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Hi! I'm A.Taylor, and if you're here, it means I finally put myself out there and shared this idea with someone. This all started a few years ago when I woke up from a dream—yes, the most cliche of all beginnings. I've been known amongst my family and friends as that girl who has the most unbelievable dreams; most of which are quite ridiculous and not worthy of sharing. But one world of my subconscious imagination captured my heart and stole all of my emotional attention.

I would have never claimed to be a writer, especially not a great one. But through my own compulsion and yearning to learn of this fictional world, I began writing a story that quickly became an 80 page outline. The first year was filled with terrible prose. We all start somewhere, right? I started at terrible. There was never a completed first draft for my novel. Every few chapters I would stop for a month, pick it back up, read the grammatical errors, and have to rewrite. No, this is not how you should write a book. There must have been five completely different iterations of the first five chapters alone. Not to mention that I switched from third person, present tense, to first person past tense, halfway through the whole thing. But today, I am left with something beautiful and showcasing to my passions.

What am I doing here? I'm not sure, really. But publication truly was never my goal. I only wanted to finish this book for myself—with characters I loved, places I created, and challenges that I never thought I could overcome. And since completing my vision, I guess now I just hoped to share this world with others. No one may ever care the way I do. Hell—no one may ever even see this. But on the off-chance that even one person enjoys it, I am here.

So welcome to Ahadi! If you plan on staying, I guess that makes you a beta reader. I am open to all feedback. Though if you only want to read and leave, you're welcome to do that too. Read my introduction for a summary of what you're getting into! Or for the more wild ones, jump on into the book and start reading blind, you weirdos. I'll be posting the book a few chapters at a time as I have the time to. If you want to keep updated or reach out to me for anything, fill out one of the forms below.

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